Wednesday 18 May 2016


What is this body but a shell?
Delicate and disposable
It can be burnt bruised or broken but to me it doesn’t matter
To my sisters living with the scars of the acid the cowards threw at you
They call you disfigured but in my eyes now you are real and whole
The perfect you
Without the shell which could be painted and decorated distracting the world from your true self
Oh my dear sister now you shine through
A dazzling star
Your beauty is raw and undeserving of the people
But I am telling you I see it
And God sees it.
Surgery and suicide
Your scars are your strength
So wear them proudly
Like a solider put on your Armour
Every stretch mark and scratch screams a story that is too loud for the people to hear
Let them cover their ears
But I am listening
And so is God.
