Sunday, 27 December 2015

I am lost.

I don’t know where I’m going
There are many destinations
But each seems so far away
And too hard to obtain
It is dark too
And cloudy
But the clouds are in my head

Sometimes I see a light
But the light only appears after a blow to my head
Or a blow to my heart
It is only when I am broken do I find the light
The light is like a path of its own
When I follow it every other destination seems futile
I feel nothing and everything at once
But the path is uphill
And slippery
And I keep on falling



I am falling

When I fall I forget the light
It becomes like a flickering lamp in a misty forest
It becomes like a light you want to shield your eyes from
The irritating kind
But it is still hard to forget
It always flickers in the back of my mind

It is easier to forget because most around me ignore the light
They are all walking, running, even dancing on the other path
In masses
They say it’s the path to freedom and peace
But sometimes it is hard to believe
When all I see are corpses
And people who may as well be
There is intoxication to escape from reality
There is blood
And people are dying
Why are they dying?
Nobody is stopping
Even the strongest are defeated and tired
Puppets and dogs on strings
But all are holding signs
Saying that they are happy

I don’t understand

There is a book
And a man
Many men and women
Whom history tells us were good and kind
Who told us that isn’t the path to follow
That it only leads to heartbreak
And reminded us this world is but temporary
And it wasn’t designed to carry the most precious and heavy of our possessions

Our hearts

That if we want to break the cycle of heartbreak
Then we must break
Break completely
The ceilings and walls
Of our hearts
And minds

Only then will the fog clear

And we can seize the branch that will never snap
The branch that said it fashioned us gave us due proportion
And breathed in us a light from its own divine light
The light that seemed so familiar yet so alien in the lamp in the misty forest of my head
And when we recognize the lights are from the same source then we will have succeeded
And when we truly love for others what we love for ourselves
And when we greet each other with words of peace

It should be easy
And I wish we always lived this way
But we don’t
And I don’t
And I break
Wishing I did
But it is the breaking which keeps us whole and firm
The breaking symbolises the love from the divine
If we didn’t break then we would find comfort on the wrong path
I like to remember this
When I am lost

I am still lost

But not completely


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